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This website is under review - references will be added to certain articles  - Educational Consultancy is dedicated to proving articles, papers, books and video reviews, for students and teachers. It is not a business. Howard lobbies the Welsh Government on educational issues.

     This website is related to "Save Our Children from Political Interference’  which is dedicated to promoting openness and honesty in all educational issues. Challenges are made to those who make false claims about educational issues.

      This website is a professional one. It is aimed addressing educational issues. 

Key Concept Explain the Educational Processes  


Howard Researched  Papers


Papers  Reviewed

Vidoes Reviewed


        This is a set of Subject and Basic Educational Concepts.

New Articles

Resources (Click)


      Howard is a retired teacher, educationalist. He possesses a higher education teaching degree. He possesses the same qualifications as the Chief Inspector of Schools. He is sufficiently qualified to allow him to refer to himself as a consultant. This consultancy is not a business.

    Education is a deep science. Those with teaching, educational qualifications have common ground understanding. Those who do not will be reading words on paper. This is a professional Website.


       See About Howard for his full C.V.


          This website is currently being revised.


        The key educational subjects and disciplines are defined in articles. There are educational videos referred to and professional papers provided. 

        There are interesting Times Educational Articles (Subscription is needed to read the full articles. There are also book and video reviews. There are topical articles and papers written by Howard. See the Website Resource Explained  for the directory.


The Human Brain

The human brain is the most complex thing in the universe. We cannot viewed what is inside their brains. Paul Howard-Jones neuro-scientist educationalist contented in Bristol University contended that:-

Teachers have a similar impact of children's brains as nureo-sergeons.

Education is a Deep Science
       Wallace (2009) in the researched Oxford Educational Dictionary states that:-

       "Although like most other professions. teaching requires a lengthy period of training and adherence to a professional code of conduct, many would argue that that are not normally accorded the parity of status with the other professions, such as law and medicine." 

      Amanda Spielman, new head of Ofstead contended

        “Education is the great force of human advancement, of advancement of civilisation." 

and that

It a lovely combination of the human and the intellectual- it’s big, it’s complicated, but above all it has such a profound influence upon people’s lives!"


There is a notion that children are inaminate objects that learning can be poured into like petrol in a tank and it will remain there for the rest of their lives.

   Teaching and Learning is much more complicated that. Research illustrates that 50% of facts that are learn are forgotten within a hour of learning it. (This applies to new foreign language words).

Confuicious  666 B.C. referred to this behaviourist rote teaching method as 'feed the duck' view of learning.

Assessment (Examinations)

     Assessment are designed to assess the capability of learners, what they know, understand and can do (Skill).  We have all revised for examinations and we know a great deal of what we will have revised, learn will be forgotten after their examinations. 
      Educational assessment is not an exact science. Teachers can teach to the test. Children who pass examinations may not necessarily possess the capability the examination pass implies.

Educational Research

  Gunn (2010) contended that teaching should be a learning process for teacher and  child. Professional teachers are required to apply proven practices. Certain core practices are so well researched that they do not need to be sourced reference (The research does not need to be referred to). 


        The Cockcroft Report into Mathematical 1982 took five years to research and compile into one of the most researched subjects in the world. It as relevant to children education today as it was in 1982.


    Education is such a deep science that a great deal of education is concerned with learning about what is not know, as much as what is. Superficial answers to complex education problems like developing a curriculum will lead to over simplistic answers to complex educational problems.

       The one certainty about education is that simple solutions to complex educational problems lead to over simplistic, superficial outcomes.

   This Website is intended to inform on research and also discuss educational issues.