Key Point  Welsh Language  Papers -  

Welsh Children to be Prohited from being Educated through their Mothers Tongue

Mark Drakeford says making all schools Welsh-medium would alienate people (Click)

        The Welsh Langauage Society is a direct action pressure who have a  small cohort of language activists who bully and harass anyone who says anything about the Welsh Language they disagree with. They refer to them as being anti-Welsh Language or English.  The sub-title of article is "Language Campaigners hit out at first minister." He is a Welsh speaker.

       It is strange that Mark Drakeford changed his opinions. It appears he has been extremely badly advised. He could not have forseen that Professor Sioned Davies Donaldson recommendations were conceived and ill-thought out and prejudiced.

Welsh Government is ‘robbing children of the chance to speak Welsh’

         This is the Welsh Language Society and Professor Sioned Davies serruptitously demanding that all children in Wales must learn through the medium of Welsh. They do not have a clue of what they are demanding.

       Professor Sioned Davies is a professor of Welsh. Her teaching status is Tom, Dick and Mary.

The Welsh Language belongs to everyone – let’s make bilingualism the norm...

    The author of this article appears alarmingly misinformed and or extremely badly advised about the issue. What is lamentably lacking from it is the how. The notion that all children will become functional bilinguals is delusional.
    Children cannot learn languages in school. They have to be lived through/ The notion that all children are going to become bilingual appears to a disconnect from reality. The tipping point of living language is 67%. This is the environment needed to keep a language fluent and for learners to easily learn through it. There only 12% of established Welsh Speakers in Wales.

       It appears appropriate to argue that less attention should be given to teaching Welsh in English medium to school to make higher standards of children's literarcy and subject attainment the norm.

We're told we're anti-Welsh bigots and fascists - the Storm over Welsh First Schooling - Guardian.

This refers to the depraved dispute about closing then Welsh medium section of Llangenneth Primary School. The parents at the heart of the dispute were Welsh speakers. Professor McChriost stated that minority languages cannot be resurrected and children will always prefer to use their mother tongue.

Elitism over Welsh speakers, says MP 

       Alan Cairns M P. referred to a lot of Welsh speaking Welsh Medium Education not viewing themselves are fluent Welsh speakers. He refers to fluent Welsh speakers looking down on them. There is no evidence anyone want to turn them into fluent Welsh speakers.
Newyddion gwych maths predicts that welsh language is set to thrive

       New Scientist - Hywl Jones who was a statistian with the Welsh Language Board claims that it is impossible to create million Welsh speakers and that Wales will struggle to retain the current level of Welsh speaking. One only has to walk the cities of Wales to establish it difficult to hear Welsh on the

Critical Evidence

Tim Williams

m Williams is a qualified Welsh speaking teacher. It is reasonable to suggest that if child can suceed in learning a new language and learning through it that it they devote time to learning through their native langaue they should achieve superior outcomes. 

       The reason why there is no research into bilingual education is to make those who pursue the campaign unaccountable. No bank would invest in a buisness without a convincing business plan.

      "And please, please be sceptical of the supposed excellence of such schools from a results perspective as no-one has ever shown how it is conceivably possible for children to do better in a second language they never use outside the class and which they speak and write without fluency as compared with their home and community language."

       "There is no theory to back what is being done to English speaking Welsh kids in Welsh medium schooling and very little research has been undertaken by those who care more about education than language revival."

    "Parents and children deserve evidence based policy-making and not what we are experiencing in Wales: policy – based evidence-making."


Shah appraisal of Irish edcuation reflects what is happening in Wales. The campaing that getting children and adults to become fluent Welsh speakers is ignoring the how and putting the blame for declining Welsh Language on English speakers. Welsh is not hear on the streets of Llanelli, which was once a Welsh Language heartland.

   "Probably the biggest problem for the revival movement has been in putting the burden on the educational system, rather than in promoting the usefulness of the language in everyday life. It has been argued “that public opinion, which can be defined as the aggregate of individual beliefs, perceptions, and attitudes held by the adult population, eventually, if not immediately, is the basis of language policy” [16]. It is fairly clear that in order to revive a language, emphasis has to be placed on usage in the home and in the general community rather than isolating it in the educational system."

"It is clearly the case that a myriad of problems have hindered the Irish language and its revival. We have social pressure, bad attitudes, poor planning, geographic concerns, and monetary concerns all interacting to conspire against the language. The influence of English is so overwhelming that it is not clear in what contexts Irish would ever be used if the majority of Irish could be convinced to become functionally bilingual."

Hywel Wiliams

     This was response to an article saying the Welsh Language could be revived. He refers to the language decline relates to the language disintergrating. The language is degenerating into slang because of lack our usage.

"The research also doesn’t take into account the prospect of speakers losing their proficiency in a language, says Jones, which he thinks is unreasonable. “There is language attrition,” he says. A former statistician at Welsh Language Board, Jones raised doubts about the feasibility of the Wales government’s target of one million Welsh speakers by 2050 when the goal was being set. Keeping Welsh speakers at today’s levels would be more realistic and count as success, he says"

Hedledd Fychan

           Heddeled is the Plaid Cymru spokesperson on the Welsh Language. There is no research. There is no evidence of a rationale. They do not appear to care if English speaking children to use Kenmeth words 'If they do not get Level  '.  All they want to is children to learn Welsh and to create a catrophe of change when schools are already in national crisis. 

           The Welsh Goverment are introducing a new curriculum. They want to create world class teaching standards. It is address a national disaster as consequence of Covid-19. It now wants to turn all schools into Welsh medium. It would be an disasterous initiative.

      It will be impossible for English speakers to learn a new language to teach through. 60% of Welsh for Adult Service cannot speak proper Welsh. Teachers need advanced and accurate fluent. Many native English speakers have the command of English to be able to teach. There will huge teacher redundancy and experienced teachers will be lost to schools. There is a crisis of recruitment currently.    

"A recently published white paper setting out proposals for a Welsh Language Education Bill has been published with input from Plaid Cymru as part of the Co-Operation agreement."

         "The proposals take Wales further towards ensuring the education system delive  Welsh to all pupils in a way that creates confident speakers and one where Welsh medium provision is “normalised” within our schools and communities."

           "These proposals set out a foundation towards an education system that delivers Welsh medium education to all pupils. They include more Welsh medium schools, an increase in Welsh medium education in every school in Wales and ensuring that every child will leave school as a confident Welsh speaker by 2050."

          Continuing as we are will not safeguard the future of the Welsh Language. That’s why we need a Welsh Language Education Bill that is ambitious and brave, so that no young person living in Wales is ever again deprived of the opportunity to become bilingual.