Suggestopedia R.I.P. Critique -2 Legal

1. Teacher Council Ruling

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       The Teachers Coucil Ruling is law. The insitution is now the Educational Workforce Council. It refers to the "Q.T.S." qualification. The term "Q.T." means "Qualified Teacher". 
It means Qualified Teaching Status.

     Further eduction tutors also have a "Q.T." in their "Q.T.L.S.". Unviersity academics do not  have that qualification. Legally they are not teachers, especially when they are practicising in a Estyn inspected service.

   The submission for the ruling referred to the distinction between a St John's Ambulance Nurse and registered nurse. Both practice in the same field. The registered nurse is the higher legal authority.

       The ruling defines what teaching is and what it not. Real teaching has a professional meaning. deSuggestopedia is not a teaching method. Ignorance of the law is no excuse.

2. Estyn Ruling

       Ruling to be published

      Ioan Talfryn is contractually required to apply proven methods. All Estyn inspected services apart from the Welsh for Adult services is directed by registered univesity Q.T.S. or Q.T.L.S. teacher trainers. They are the centres of teaching excellence.


     Ioan Taflryn is the only person in a Estyn inspected service practicising a pseudoscience. His Estyn inspection results are irrelevant. He is not entitled to practice a pseudoscience. He is not entitled to practice anything he likes it the service.



3. The Weslh Language Learning College  


     All the frameworks for school and further educational colleges that are the centres for teaching excellence, including Welsh Language teaching excellence, are created in registered university schools of education. All Q.T.S. teachers and Q.T.L.S. tutors are required to have the same intensive professional training. It appears the National Welsh Language College can do anything they like.

     Legally all Q.T.S. teachers are legal qualified to teach in any subject providing they have the subject knowledge to successfully teach it. The sample principles of teaching and learning are applied across the curriculum including Welsh.

           Registered teachers and tutors do not apply psuedoscience methods. When they are research other disciplines they refer to leading authorities like Professor Sue Garthercole C.B.E., who is cognitive scientist who investigate childen's learning difficulties, in Cambridge University of Brain and not Cardiff School of Welsh. Her colleague Dr Ducan Astle refers to the nueromyths that has been disproved.

       Schools of Education do not approve psuedoscience methods.