About Howard -  hgunn.uk

 Howard Gunn is a retired advanced skills professional Q.T.S.teacher, who possesses a higher educational (Teaching) degree. He is an authority on formative learning. He is a generalist who has a cross curricula perspective on learning, who has teaching subject specialism in maths, music, science and history.

        Howard has qualifications in curriculum development, readability and the presentation of teaching materials, child development and psychology, and educational research methodology. He is an authority on readability and the presentation of teaching materials. He has undertaking classroom based research at initial and higher degree.
        Howard has advanced skills teaching status. This means he is an excellent teacher. He has thirty years teaching experience.

         Howard has a higher degree diploma in the teaching of all the primary school subjects. He is Q.T.S. qualified to teach maths, languages and Welsh. 

        Howard has done some part-time work teaching of adult with learning difficulties maths. It is one of the most challenging teaching tasks there is.

      Howard in his retirement has researched second language acquisition, language cognition and working memory. He has written six privately published researched books.  A seventh is being written.

     Howard improved his Welsh language in his retirement. The experience provided with a fascinating interesting experience of learning a basic skill. It enabled to view learning from the learners perspective. He always maintained that he learnt learning Welsh than if he pursued a Ph.D. 

     A teaching masterate is an advanced qualification educationally.

Howard remains a member of his professional association, the NAS/UWT.

      Evidence of Howard's qualifications are deposited with third parties

Gunn, H.J.D. (2010) Developing Effective Second Language Teaching and Learning Strategies. Pontypridd:Denbigh Publications


Gunn (2016) Developing a New Perspective on First and Second Language Learning; including Working Memory. Pontypridd. Denbigh Publications


Gunn (2017) A New Applied Perspective on First and Second Language Learning; including Music and Mathematics. Pontypridd, Denbigh Publications

Gunn, H.J.D. (2017) Lies, Damn Lies and Statistics: A Review of Pisa (2017)  Pontypridd, Denbigh Publications

Gunn, H.J.D. (2017) Political Dreams. Practical Realities. The Future of the Welsh Language and Welsh Language Learning. Denbigh Publication,   Available on Website hgunn.uk

Gunn, H.J.D. (2017)  Is the Welsh Donldson School Curriculum Past it Sell-by-date? Denbigh Publication,