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Suggestopedia R.I.P. Critique
The Proof that DeSuggestopedia is a Pseudoscience
Teaching is a legal process. Educational practice pertains to proven research. It is the recipe that informs on effective practices. Whatever tutors claim, they will always achieve more if they apply proven methods. deSuggestopedia is not a proven method.
If someone challenged another with a professional paper, then it is standard professional practice for that person to answer that challenge with a professional paper.
The evidence is the source of Ioan Talfryn's methods is the late Lazanov, who was a pathological liar. One only needs to read Alan Baddeley and Sue Garthercole book, who acknowledged authorities on cognitive science on "Working Memory and Language" to establish this.
It appears very childish for Ioan Talfryn to believe Lanazanov, who developed his methods in the 1970s is a genius, when there are teams of authorities of teaching and cognitive science . Lazanov name does not appear in the academic literature. He is require to prove methods in the Welsh for adult service, His methods are proven . They are proven not to be effective.
Recordings of Ioan Talfryn's practising of his method has been made.
Main Papers
1. Ioan Talfryn - Critique - Ants in the Head**
The title of this paper is unprofessional. What Ants in the Head has to do with learning is a complete mystery. The paper is full of waffle and bizarre list of references. What swinging bridges have to do with learning is a complete mystery. Talfryn justifies Stephen Krashen's discredited input theory. The paper is clearly intended to impress.
The paper is not sourced referenced. It has no legal validity.
The impressive list of references are abjectly irreleven to pedagoy. They are just provided to impress
What "Turtles, Termites and Traffic Jams" or "swing bridges' have to language learning is more than a complete mystery . He even offers readers a YouTube link so they can look at the swinging bridge. The paper can only be descibed as delusional. It as absolute nonsene.
Professional teachers please click for a high lighted review.
Click for a professional appraisal o. f his Ants in the Head Research.
Pheromones refers to animal smells.
2. Hagan - deSuggestedia Pseudoscience Critique**
Unlike Ioan Talfryn's paper, this is a professionally written and published paper by Hagan 2002. He clearly had access to Lozanov theories, and he has presented a rationale with researched references that illustrates that the method is a pseudoscience. The impressive 'fake science' has no substance.
Hagan questions why the method is still being practiced after 40 years. It is now 50 years. This paper is consistent with Howard Gunn's 2022 paper. He refers to the Lazanov marketing his methods to America to line his pockets.
3. Professor John Sweller Paper
Professor John Sweller is an educational psychologist who created a branch of cognitive science. He was declared educationalist of the year by the Tes in 2018.
His paper proves that adults cannot learn languages like to young children.
Ioan Talfryn concept that adults can absorb languages like three-year-olds if he gave them a children's pantomime is a fantasy. The only people who can learn like three-year-olds are three-year-old children.Ioan Talfryn appears to have interpreted Lazanov's assertion that adults should be reduced to a child like state on S4C. It was probably an extreme rendition of the method, but it illustrates his state of mind.
This is a detailed research overview of deSuggestopedia derided from contemporary research including a cognitive perspective that proves the method has no validity and that it is a pseudoscience. Cognitive and neuroscience research proves the Ioan Talfryn practice and methods have no validity. It illustrates it impossible adult for adults to subconsciously absorb language if they are treated like three year olds.
Mr Ioan Talfryn's marketing soundbite that learners can absorb a 1,000 words in their first lesson is serious misrepresentation. There are no gaps between words as in print. They would be lucky to legal a single word.
5. Ducan Astle Cambridge university of the Brain
Astle who is a neuroscientist refers to the neuromyths that exist in his Learnus Lecture. There are a cohort of brilliant researchers that liaise with each other across the world. They do not refer to 1960s research by a psychotherapists. Lazanov was an leading authority on neuromyths.
The claim by Talfryn that we only use parts of our brains is a neuromyths.
There has been no response to Howard's professional criticism of Ioan Talfryn's methods, because he knows he cannot defend them.
In 2016 he instructed his charity solicitors to sue him for 'appearing' to criminally harass him for mocking his methods. He was also accused him of having a smear campaign against him. He was also threaten to be sue him for loss of merchandise.
Ioan Talfryn is providing a pubic service.
7. The Pink Elephant Revolt (Cariad@iaeth)
This is an example of the celebrities mocking Ioan Talfryn his methods on S4C.They were laughing and making jokes about him because he wanted them to learn a Welsh nursery rhyme that included the word 'sink' and 'pink elaphant'.
They referred his 'forest' lesson, the pantomime, as being non-sensical.
A celebrity claimed that Ioan Talfryn must be very erudite because he speaks five language but he 'appeared to be going a bit mad'.
Even Ioan Talfryn's co-presenter who had promised his methods were scientifically proven and that she had been trained by the genius Lazanov was laughing with them.
8. Pictures of Talfryn's Pantomimes
Ioan Talfryn gave his learners animal masks and Welsh animal names on his S4C deSuggestopedia series that illustrated his method, where he expected his adult celebrities to subconsciously absorb the language content of his pantomime. The 1,000 words. In his other S4C series, he performed acted plays.
9. Registered Status of Q.T.S. Teachers
This is the ruling Howard obtained from the Teachers Council, which he obtained out of historical accident, as opposed to deliberate intent that defines the Q.T.S. teaching standard of practice in Wales and England. It recognises how high trained teachers are. It also illustrates that legally Ioan Talfryn was not teaching and he does not know how to teach.
The ruling is law. The Teachers Council is now part of the Education Workforce Council in Wales.
The word teaching has a professional meaning. Just because someone stands in front of a class does not mean they are teaching. "QT" is a qualification reserved for teachers. All professional teachers apply the same basic process across the curriculum
Ioan Talfryn is now training tutors how not teach. He is underming the professional status of teachers.
10. The Lack of Professional Status of Registered Teachers.
This research undertaken by the University of Reading conclude that registered teachers have equivalent professional status of doctors and nurses.
While solicitors and doctors receive high fees for express their professional opinions professional teachers only get contempt for theirs.
Ioan Talfryn instructed solicitor to sue Howard for criminally harassing him for professional critising his methods. A method he was in trained to tutor by a psychotherapist, an authority on mental health.
It is reasonable to suggest that if Iona Talfryn:d claimed miracle methods worked then somone in the world would have found it. No other centre practices his methods in the Welsh for Adult Service. His method are extremely well proven, they proven not to be effective
Ioan Talfryn appears to believe he can say and practice anything he likes. If he wants to prove his case he must produce a paper pertaining to proven reserch to disprove:-
>> Howard's professional criticism of his Ants in the. Head Research;
>> Hagan professional criticism of the deSuggestopedia psuedoscience method;
>> Howard research paper on his practice of the deSuggestopedia method.
Other Papers
11. Derek rockway Caiad@iaeth 2015
This is an honest description of Ioan Talfryn's desuggestopedia method that was practised on SC4 where he was featured speaking his G.C.S.E. Welsh to a toy squirrel.
There is a reference to subconscious learning in the article and also to learners absorbing a thousand words in their first lessons. It is unclear why Derek Brockway was on the program if it was a lessons for beginners. It was never declared that he had learnt O'Level Welsh in school on the program. The series appears to have been staged managed.
12. Words cannot be Learn Subsconsciously Wikepedia
Semantic memory refers to general world knowledge that humans have accumulated throughout their lives
Semantic memory and episodic memory are both types of explicit memory (or declarative memory), that is, memory of facts or events that can be consciously recalled and "declared
13. Wikipedia Explanation of Suggestopedia
It refers to critics claiming Suggestopedia is pseudoscience and that learners are only expected to listen to the language, mouth words (say it) and bark at print (read it) and act and listen to music. This approach is not teaching. Anyone using the method was not teaching anything. (Professional teachers will understand what that means).
14. Costa - There No Spaces between Spoken Words
Costa, who is a bilingual psychologist, refers to there being no spaces between spoken words. To know this, one only needs to listen to someone speaking an unfamiliar language.
It will be virtually impossible for novice learners to identify, let alone memorise, a single word as opposed to a 1,000. Strangely, Talfryn does not appear to know this
Readers are invited to work out how many words they can identify from the following Scottish Gaelic.
Click for YouTube Video
This B.B.C. article refers to a linguist at the University of Ontario. Talfryn claims that novice learners can subconsciously absorb a 1,000 words in their first lesson. Reference to this paper illustrates the claim is sheer fantasy. Learners will be lucky, unless they live in favourable Welsh-speaking environments, to develop a fluent Welsh-speaking capability of 500 words in three years of daily practice.
Professor Sarah Eaton, who is a professor in Calgary School of Education, who learn Spanish as adult and wrote her researched paper when she was in language research institute, where stated that:-
"The challenges of learning another language are immense. Yet millions have achieved some degree of fluency in at least one other language. Those who achieve true fluency do so because they put in dedicated, consistent effort over a long period of time. Claiming otherwise is tantamount to fraud."
If anyone make claims that they cannot deliver to those who pay for service they will be commiting fraud.
17. Professor Daniel Mujis and Professor David Reynolds
These professors of education illustrates that there is a great deal of research on proven teaching and learning methods. Reynolds wrote over thirty books prior to his retirement. Psychotherapists are not educational experts.
Mujis and Reynolds call for the abandoment of D.I.Y. methods. Mr Ioan Talfryn deSuggestopedia method was a D.I.Y. method because it was made. It was a D.I.Y. method for learners who were expected to do all the work.themselves through self-study.
18. Proven Methods
It is common knowledge that proven methods are those that are practiced by large populations of practitioners that pertains to research accepted by large populations of learners, including leading authorities in their fields. All schools in the United Kingdom and predominantly all quality second language course providers teach grammar. Therefore it is a proven method.
The public often do not appear to appreciate that professional Q.T.S. teaching is practiced by millions of teachers every day across the developed world. It is so highly researched that the basic proven principles of it cannot be questioned.
Whatever has been claimed about Mr Ioan Talfryn practice what his learners have achieved cannot be the product of his practice, the evidence is that his adult learners were apply D.I.Y. learning. He was expecting them to do all the work. If Mr Ioan Talfryn can prove the validity of his miracle claims and methods all schools would use it.
19. DeSuggestopedia is Not a Proven Method
What they refer to is vastly different from Mr Ioan Talfryn Practice. They refer to students sitting in arm chairs.
The reference illustrates that the method is not new. It is known about and it has failed. It would be ridiculous to suggest that they eould not use Ioan Talfryn claimed miracle methods if they were effective. No else uses in the Welsh for Adult Service.
It has been possible to work out that this is 1970s interview because of the reference to Salt Talks.
Lozanov refers to himself as being a physician in this interview, which is primarily vague waffle. He refers to music. He claims that someone can create a conversational level of German, around 2,000 words, including grammar, and all the grammar through practising three hours a day for a month without doing homework. This is absolute fantasy.
Lazanov does states that his method can be applied to all subject learning. There is mountain of research into language and maths that contradicts his claims.
If Ioan Talfryn can speak five language as he claims, then it strange how he does not know how to learn them. Research on word learing is fundamental to cognitive research into memory.
I am surprised Ioan Talfryn has not offered his experience to Cambridge University of the Brain that researches children with learning difficulties. I have never comes across Lazanov delusions in the literature, apart from Anne Swarbrick (1994) , who was in her Open University School of Education, researched book, that illustrates that deSuggestopedia was never used in school. The reason is because the behaviourist method, what Confucius 848 B.C. referred to the Feed the Duck methods of tutoring was proven to be ineffective in the 1980s, this real teaching was introduced to schools in 1987.
31. Quotes from Richard and Rodgers 1986
"Memorization in learning. The suggestopedia method claims accelerated learning 25 times that of conventional methods. Precise descriptions about the conditions under which suggestepdia experiments were run are hard to come by, as well as all the descriptions of successful classroom procedures." pg 142
"The most conspicuous characteristics of suggestopedia are the decoration, furniture and arrangement of the classroom, the use of music, and the authoritative behaviour of the teacher. There is some mystical air about it, partially because it has few direct links with established learning or educational theory in the West, and partly because of its arcane terminology and neologisms amount to what one critic unkindly called it a package of pseudo-science gobblygook". Pg 142.
"Scovel stated that there is nothing of use apart from the misuse of citations, terminological jargon, experimental data and states that a careful reading of Suggestology and Outlines of Suggestopedy reveals that there is precious little in suggestopedia which is scientific." Pg 152
32. Hurd and Murphy (2005) - Success with Languages - Open University.
They stated:-
"Often as learners we set off with unrealistic assumptions, some of which may be fostered by the advertising employed by some course providers of language learners, along the lines of 'Learn language in three weeks! pg.7"
Ioan Taflryn's accelerated cramming methods are delusional.
33. The Ants in the Head Research is Not Sourced Referenced
Howard Gunn cites Professor John Sweller's (2018) research, for instance, he quotes the original research in his paper. Those who proved adults cannot learn like young children. Research can have numbers against the key points as in Hagan Paper.
There references to sources in the text that is not in Ioan Talfryn's bibliography and vice versa. One reference is:-
RESNICK. M. (1994). Turtles, Termites and Traffic Jams. Explorations in Massively Parallell Microworlds. Cambridge Mass. MIT Pres
What turtle, termites and traffic jams have to do with learning is complete mystery. Sixteen of his reference have no relevance to pedagogy. The inclusion of these phantom references can only be intended to impress, blind those who read it with science.
There are range of issues like his flip theory:-
'Each student reaches his or her own personal Tipping Point (or Flipping Point) in his or her own time, of course, but when it does happen, as predicted by Complexity Theory or Dynamic Systems Theory, production skills suddenly erupt (as they did with me outside the night club in Cardiff).'
is not sourced referenced. They are made up. There is no reference to 'flipping points' in the educational or event cognitive literature. i.e. Eysneck and Kane (2010) Cognitive psychology.
This means Ioan Talfyn's paper is not sourced referenced. It is not worth the paper it is written upon.
Rodgers (2002) who is an authority on adult learning claims of the learning potential of adults is dictated by their occupations and not their professional qualifications. The problem with adult learning is that adult will also have other commitments. I spent six years after a day’s teaching obtaining my educational degrees.
Working memory dictates that there is a seven years spread of learners learning potential. Most learners are around average. This has a profound influence on basic skill learning, which languages are.
In optional subjects tutors can bury their under performing learners through streaming through methodology. Dr Margaret Newcombe Cardiff School of Welsh claimed the Wlpan method did not suit all learners needs.
Many learners learning Welsh in Wales will have learnt Welsh in school. It will not be a totally new experience for them. Enthusiastic learners can self study and do all the work. Assessing learners progress in a language is subjective, especially as oral language is transitory.
This is why the evaluation of methodology is important.35. S4C Introduction to Method
This is an automated dictated version.
Not everything that was said is included or clear.
There is the issue of why Mr Ioan Talfryn needed to explain his theories to non-teaching authorities. He did admit his methods appeared counterintuitive. He probably did it to deceive his learners, viewers into believing the integrity of his pseudoscience method. Derek Brockway had a G.C.E. In Welsh.
Issues like Talfryn's complexity theory had no relevance to the learners' learning. He refers to the story as the theme of the featured twelve SC4 lessons (It was on woodland animals). He refers to his approach as being mostly unconscious learning. The word osmosis is used.
There was also reference to avalanches.
This abjectly ridiculous statement is made:-
"It's difficult with this week because obviously we're only here a weekend it be quite nice to have a week of just being silent before it starts to come out of memory"
Some of this was said by Nia Parry. The delayed outcome is related to his Breton Story in his Ants in the Head series.
36. Cariad@iaeth 2015 Lesson 10
The celebrities claimed they had not learnt anything in Lesson 12 of the S4C series. The only language production his celebrities engaged in was when he required them to talk Welsh to toy animals.
Hunter and Turner hinrst Welsh for Adult referred to tutors making learning fun and entertaining learners rather than tutoring them.
38. This is stated in Ioan Talfryn's Ants in the Head research (2):-
"Yet in that time, out of conscious sight all those disorganised, scurrying little linguistic ants in my head had surreptitiously and suddenly ordered themselves into an efficient, working collective. Without my knowing it, a Breton ant colony had taken residence in my head!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
He claims that 'pheromoms' are like 'neurotransmitters.' pheromones' are smells that come from animals. Neurotransmitter are the chemicals that are created to create the action potential to enable learning to take place.
The definition of expertise is that is person who can offer professional opinions in minutes that it would take novice thousands of hours of training and practice, which is assuming they have the understanding and skill to attain it.
Ioan Talfryn has a 1980s past It Sell-by-date P.G.C.E. Welsh Language Teaching Certificate and he taught four years in school classroom. He has been practicsing a 1960s methods by a Bulgarian psychotherapist for over twenty years.
40. Even Children know More About Teaching and Learing than Talfryn
School children know more about teaching and learning than Ioan Talfryn. Tommy in the B.B.C. Wales "South Koraen Swap: South Korean Style" stated from his school desk in a Seuol school that they were been giving information but it not necessarily promote understanding. He was being kind. He uknowingly quoting the Cockcroft Report into mathematical education.
The school would have failed it Estyn inspection. Why Ioan Talfryn past his personal inspection practising his deSuggetopedia method is one of life mysteries.
Professional teachers do not refer to 1960s eccentric psychotherapists. Teaching is a becoming a deep science. Professional teachers are trained in school of education where the corporate teaching intelligence exists. Mr Ioan Talfryn is too lamentably ignorant to understand that there is only one proven method of teaching and it is called professional teaching. Professional teachers know how to teach and how learners learn. Millions of teachers practice it across the world everyday. He has even claimed he wants his method practiced in Welsh schools.
Ioan Talfryn methods are so unique no repectable course provider provides them. He is a quack is a "fraudulent or ignorant pretender to medical skill" or "a person who pretends, professionally or publicly, to have skill, knowledge, qualification or credentials they do not possess; a charlatan or snake oil salesman
There is no evidence that Ioan Talfryn has read a book on pedagogy for at least thrity years.
Quotes from Nia Parry on S4C 2015 Cariad Iaeth
"Lozanov is ‘very, very eccentric’ but he his a ‘genius’ and ‘I can promise you his 1960s methods are scientifically proven."
Qoutes from Hagan Paper 2002
"How can this be, when we have at our disposal this special method that makes one conversant in a foreign language in only a month? A closer look at the claims made by the Internet Language Corporation--the firm that markets these cassette tapes--leaves little room for optimism. The method they describe, known either as "suggestopedia," or "accelerated learning" (AL), is based on teaching techniques developed in the mid 1960s by a Bulgarian psychotherapist named Georgi Lozano. Considering its bizarre origins, it is remarkable that this method is still around nearly 40 years later."
"This is one of many extraordinary claims you will find in Suggestology. Lozanov's book is an amalgam of psychoanalysis, parapsychology, and mysticism; in short, a cornucopia of esoterica. The man who created a worldwide mind revolution, and who once claimed to have telepathic powers, holds forth on ESP, automatic writing, alpha wave biofeedback, and hypnosis among the Druids. (6) One of his most novel ideas is "hypnopedy," or sleep learning. Lozanov describes an experiment in which Bulgarian schoolchildren learned Russian vocabulary as it played over the loudspeakers in their dormitories while they slept."
"Here's how the method works according to the SkyMall program: "You will learn the language stresslessly [sic], as a child does, by hearing new vocabulary and phrases in alternately loud, whispered, and emphatic intonations, all accompanied by slow rhythmic music in digital stereo."
"In other words, since language processing is a left-hemisphere activity (for the vast majority of people, anyway), the right hemisphere is not doing its fair share. However, if If we do something to activate the other hemisphere--play some slow rhythmic music, for example--then it will wake up and start pulling its own weight. Baroque is the music de preference because, according to Ostrander and Schroeder, "there are mind/body secrets in Baroque." (12) There are ancillary benefits as well. For example, Superlearning Music tapes help plants grow lush, say Ostrander and Schroeder."
"All of this begs the more fundamental
question about which parts of the brain are even capable in principle of
contributing, positively or negatively, to language acquisition. The standard
view in the cognitive sciences is that the brain is a highly modular organ, and
that its many modules are specialized for particular tasks. Thus while Broca's
and Wernicke's regions of the left hemisphere are responsible for language
processing, the primary visual cortex of the occipital lobe processes visual
information, and the frontal lobe controls our emotional and judgmental
responses. In some cases this specialization can be narrowly circumscribed to a
striking degree. For example, an area in the posterior right hemisphere is
responsible for facial recognition, so that injury to that area can cause
prosopagnosia or "face blindness" without affecting one's ability
to recognize other objects."
See Ducan Astle Cambridge University of the brain for neuromyths.i
Summing Up
Pyscholingualist support those with emotional problems like easting disorders. He developed his method with an opera singer. If Ioan Taflryn really has dated P.C.S.E. it little wonder he gave up practising in the classroom.
There cannot be any valid reason for novice learners to be introduced to speak about 'Woodland animals'. The celebrities who undertook his S4C Cariad@iaeth 2015 clearly could not understand his rationale nor why they should learn children's nursery rhyme and the word 'pinc elphant'. I understand one of them was a former professional teacher. It is unlikely he was a language teacher or be would have seen through his methods immediately and he would have done something about.
Colin Miles states the following, but children are not taught by rote, either.